Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Take Cover!

Toronto Air Raid Siren

Hidden amongst the trees around the Dundas & Ossington area here in Toronto is one of the Cold War-era air raid sirens that once "protected" us from incoming Soviet nukes. Nothing like the sound of a "25 minutes till nuclear devastation" warning...

In an effort to bring back the "good ol' days", it seems George W. Bush and his administration are planning for possible attacks on Iran that could include the use of tactical nuclear weapons. Of course, what better weapons to use in an effort to stop Iran's efforts to produce their own nukes. Let's start with journalist Seymour Hersh's recent article in The New Yorker. This article is one of the most frightening pieces I have ever read. Really. It is also important to consider the fact that at the time of publication, sources in Hersh's piece believed Iran to be years away from uranium enrichment. Oops. Just today, Iran announced it's first successful uranium enrichment. Obviously, this ups the proverbial ante.

At the same time, the Bush administration is attempting to fight allegations that the president leaked selected parts of classified intelligence documents to support his rationale for invading Iraq. "I wanted people to see the truth," said Bush. Oh. These same people are calling recent reports from The New Yorker, The New York Times, and The Washington Post "hyped-up reporting" and "wild speculation", as seen in this article from the Globe & Mail. So, is military intervention in Iran on the table? Yes, Bush has said as much himself, on a number of occasions. It may now be just a question of how soon. I strongly urge anyone reading this to read Hersh's entire piece. Oh, you may want to take cover, too.