Monday, June 12, 2006


Well, it seems I've managed to go three months without posting anything. I've given myself the requisite spanking, and now I'm back. My last post dealt with how messed up the Middle East was, as well as the nuclear issues that the world was facing. Now that those issues have all been dealt with, we can freely and safely move forward to a lasting world peace. But seriously folks, it's all too depressing to comment on right after having said nothing for weeks. I'm sure I'll get to it soon! For the time being, I have a few pics I shot around our area recently. Enjoy!

Sunset on Bloor & Yonge area buildings.

Sunset on the synagogue behind our place.

Puddles on the roof next door.

Falun Dafa at it again. They march down Spadina about once a month these days. At least we don't jail them and harvest their organs here in Canada...

More soon! Booya.